New Age Model T car ride image


With Woodrow Wilson, Scott Joplin, Henry Ford, Mother Jones, and the rest of the gang.

National tour by California Theatre Center

American history is the theme as young Woodrow Wilson falls asleep, troubled by awful conflict of the American civil war waging around him. The great Ragtime composer, Scott Joplin, comes to the boy in a dream and shows him a future of brighter possibilities. The great composer reveals many of the conflicts and successes the country will face in the years ahead -- the years that will be known as the Ragtime Era. Industrialist Henry Ford, labor leader Mother Jones, factory workers and suffragettes also appear and tell of their stories of failure and triumph. The non-stop historical pagaentry is fast-paced and filled with ragtime music and dancing of the era.

CAST: 3 m, 2 w or more TIME: One hour
SET: Five chairs and a speaker's lectern

Plays by Will Huddleston